Company Profiles in association withThe Immortal Awards

Cadence Post: Meet The Post House Cutting Through With a ‘No-Holds-Barred’ Mentality

The exciting New Orleans-based studio is making waves with ripples extending far beyond Louisiana, creator Rick Nelson tells LBB

“It was an opportunity to do a different kind of work. I knew that, with the right approach, determination and hard work, we could make this a reality. And we have!” 

As Rick Nelson reflects on his decision to launch Cadence Post- in the midst of the 2020 pandemic - there’s no trace of regret or trepidation in his voice. In fact, taking a step back, one gets the sense that Cadence is increasingly a studio which has found its creative rhythm. 

Rick and his team have wasted no time in putting together a portfolio of head-turning work - having already contributed to works for well known brands like Meta, Universal Music Group and Nutrilite - all while continuing to help build the creative culture of a city which has earned its moniker as ‘Hollywood South’. 

In truth, things have been looking up for the world of film and production in Louisiana’s largest city for some time - with the industry expected to surpass one billion dollars in value before the end of this year. Partly, that success can be attributed to a favourable tax credit - crews can expect to enjoy a 25% cut for film work - but the agreeable economic conditions have been present for a few years. What’s more recent, however, is the explosion of great creative talent and studios driving the industry forward. And it’s as part of that movement that Cadence Post has found its home. 

Above: Cadence Post’s showreel offers a great look at how the studio makes its projects pop. 

“I think that, in the broader context of the creative scene in New Orleans, we are turning some heads,” remarks Rick. “That’s because we’re able to offer something that few companies in this area are doing at scale. There’s a push to post locally, rather than return to the more traditional epicentres of post-production like Los Angeles, New York or Atlanta.  Producers can, and should, take advantage of the tax credit and the unique local creative scene. What’s great for us is that we’re a huge part of how that can work in practice.”

For Rick, Cadence has represented a chance to chart a unique approach to creativity. “I’ve been in the post industry for nearly 15 years, and for the better part of a decade that’s been in the agency space”, he says. “After leading agency post teams for that long, it was time to branch out and stand up an independent post house - with all the value and expertise you’d expect, combined with the added insight that comes from being agency-side”. 

The result is a post house which, in Rick’s words, is “traditional in our offerings, but unique in our approach.Cadence works with teams, not just for them; that’s where efficiencies are found - especially in the advertising space.” 

Despite the studio’s relatively short life thus far, it’s a method which has already borne fruit in terms of the eye-catching work to have come out of Cadence Post’s pipeline. 

Moving To A New Beat

“One of the projects that really stands out in my mind is the campaign for Welch’s Fruit Snacks, where we were tapped for colour work,''  explains Rick. “We came into that project in a unique capacity, where new social content was being developed that needed to match existing creative. That’s where we solved problems.” 

Above: Cadence’s colouring chops were put to the test on a social campaign for Welch’s Fruit Snacks.


Director: Cameron Busby

Production Partner: Golden Child Media

Creative Director: John DeGray

Agency: AMP Agency

Colorist: Rick Nelson

As Rick notes, it’s often easier for colorists to develop looks for creative from the beginning of a project rather than reactively. In this instance, however, the studio’s agility shone through. “Working with our agency partner, the task was to develop a look based on existing creative, which is in many ways more of a challenge than making something new from the ground up”, he says. 

Whilst Cadence Post is a studio that likes to pride themselves on their understated approach to  visual effects, there are some instances where only the spectacular will suffice. That was the case with the studio’s work for Mellow Mushroom, in which we see a kaleidoscopic take on the restaurant’s pizzas. 

Above: “Typically post work shouldn’t scream at you or stand up, the magic of it working should be subliminal, right up to the point where it isn’t and the creative approach grabs you”, says Rick, looking back on Cadence Post’s work with Mellow Mushroom.


Director: Eric Haviv

Production Partner: FUGO Studios

Agency: Fridge

Edit/VFX/Colour: Cadence Post 

Sound Design: Dwight Chalmers

3D Animation: Matt Vojacek, Made By Things

Finally, and perhaps most notably, Cadence’s work on a piece of short-form content for  Bollinger Shipyards, the largest privately owned shipbuilder in the United States.The Makers - a beautifully made piece of docu-style content which picked up an Emmy for editing - made an impression on Rick and his team more widely. “I do think we’re looking at an interesting time for that kind of short-form content and branded entertainment”, he says. “There's a real connection to be made and a story to tell, which I believe makes more of an impact on viewers than a six second pre-roll yelling at you to buy something”. 

Above: ‘The Makers’ is an example of an industry trend towards short-form and branded entertainment, which Rick believes is a positive one. 

Happily, Cadence Post’s future looks just as bright as the industry’s in New Orleans more broadly. “We want to continue diversifying our work and looking forward to new projects,” says Rick. 

Looking even further ahead, the studio’s head admits he likes to work to malleable targets. “At the moment, we’re looking to expand our talent roster and our studio space along with it”, he says. “And when it comes to hires we’ve got three priorities - be nice, be driven, and be curious. It’s ultimately that curiosity which is going to drive our creativity forward”. 

And so, with a company culture rooted in positivity, there’s much to be upbeat about for Cadence Post. Whatever comes next, what seems clear is that this studio’s story is one which has only just begun. 

Work from Cadence Post
VFX Reel
Cadence Post
Chris Breault - Editorial Reel
Cadence Post
Color Reel
Cadence Post
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