People in association withLBB Pro

Moving the Needle: Kai Douglas

DDB Chicago cultural strategist on mastering routine, fashion and TikTok

At DDB, our people are the heart and soul to our agency. We believe that the inclusivity of thought and background leads to when we, as a company, are able to be the most authentic and creative. Thus, allowing creativity to be the most powerful force within our business; it has the power to make people laugh, cry, think, alter their behaviour, create change for the world, and impact culture. 

Born and raised in the interception of identities, Kai is a cultural strategist working out of DDB Chicago. Spending time between Antigua and America for most of his life highlighted some major questions he had about culture and equity. Upon graduating college, Kai continued to solidify his passion for advertising by highlighting voices of culture and making a voice of his own. Over the last three years Kai has worked on multiple accounts spanning Travel, Military, QSR and Telecommunications. Kai is passionate about the elevation of diverse voices whether it’s over a simple cup of coffee or groundbreaking data. Kai is making it a point to create a platform space for Black and diverse voices within the industry. 

1. Name, Title, Office, Link to LinkedIn Page  

Kai Douglas, He/Him, strategist, DDB Chicago.


2. What is your personal mantra?  

Kai> You try the first time, any time after that is maintaining. 

3. How did you wind up in advertising?  

Kai> Growing up I was a man of the arts, still am, anything you name it, and I was there. However, my traditional Black mum had other plans. She wanted me to be successful as a lawyer, a doctor or accountant. So, I chose accounting and it was not giving what it was supposed to. I actually failed my first class. However, I did reignite my passion for writing along the way with a new found love for data, consumer insights and why we buy what we buy. Throughout the rest of my time in college, I was exposed to ads that spoke to me and my identity. It made me feel seen. That same feeling I felt, I wanted to spread to other individuals and that’s what I’m here to do.

4. What does your daily routine consist of?  

Kai> Honestly, mastering routine is still a work in progress for me. But, I don’t play about my skin care routine. Every day I do try to practise affirmations, gratitude and at least try to move from the couch. 

5. When do you feel the most powerful?  

Kai> Two things, fashion and paratus.  

• Fashion is my instant ego booster. When I’m dressed to the nines in what is authentic and comfortable for me (bell bottoms included), no one can stop me.  

• Regarding strategy, paratus is the first thing that comes to mind. It was my college emblem and in Latin it means ready. In short you stay ready you, so you never have to get ready. Stats, fodder, practising - all that makes me feel like a powerhouse.  

6. What is one source of creative inspiration you draw from outside of work?  

Kai> One of my major sources of creative inspiration is social media, particularly TikTok. Admittedly, I've been guilty of doom-scrolling more often than not but hear me out. TikTok offers a platform of authenticity. While it can become toxic like any other social media platform, there are countless insights, conversations, and thought-provoking pieces packed into those brief 15-second to three-minute videos, even the comments create a story. 

My second significant source of creative inspiration, although it took me some time to realise it, is my lived experience. I believe that as creatives, strategists, and even as an industry, we often rely too heavily on technology—whether it's reports, AI, or articles. There seems to be less emphasis on going out and experiencing things firsthand. Yet, that real, unfiltered lived experience is invaluable, especially when crafting narratives targeted to specific audiences.

7. Who are your creative heroes?  

Kai> Everyone black, literally.

· My community alone is filled with so much talent, creativity, and support. I’m constantly inspired to what we can do individually and as a community. Here’s a shameless plug to just SOME of my favourites:  

o Timani Walker – Incredible strategist with cunning insights and a fashion brand to match. o Jarrett Lampley – A creative who EATS at everything.  

o Taylor Brodie – The queen of affirmation and the queen of storytelling.  

o Jay Towns - Infectious energy bottled into a creative strategist with all the executionary skills. 

8. Wishes or aspirations for the advertising industry?  

Kai> I have two primary aspirations for the advertising industry: people and culture. 

I strongly believe that advertising influences culture because it is meant to represent the people. When used effectively, advertising can drive meaningful change, much like other forms of media. To truly maximise the impact of advertising, we need to establish environments that foster personal and professional growth for its people—spaces where individuals can be authentic and feel secure. By cultivating a culture that not only amplifies diverse voices but also nurtures the well-being of its employees, we can create advertising that truly makes a difference. At its core, creating inclusive spaces and producing impactful ads begins with valuing and investing in people. After all, without people, there is no culture. 

9. How are you moving the advertising industry forward?  

Access, access, access. I can’t stress this enough. Some people are unaware that advertising is a viable career option, while others have only recently discovered it, and some who are already in the field struggle to thrive. It's a significant challenge, but I aim to impact the funnelling system. Changing who has access to this career and how they access it will not only enrich our culture as an industry but also enhance the quality of our advertisements. Sometimes, we become too focused and lose sight of the diverse perspectives that lead to authentic, intelligent work.

In the spirit of promoting access, I feel like I’ve only begun to hit the tip of the iceberg. My partnership with Book180 and DDB Chicago created a platform for me to teach young voices and create an unorthodox pathway to getting new POV’s in advertising. This is just the tip of the iceberg, moving forward I hope to continue working with programs (manifesting collabs with Blac Internship, AdColor, Where Are All The Black People and more ) to give more access to our world. I’m committed / committing to learning and absorbing any knowledge that will assist me in making a meaningful difference. Whether it is insightful conversation, town hall meetings, sharing insights or just a catch up over coffee, my goal is to share all the knowledge I receive to anyone who seeks it.  

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